Th Afternoon Potpourri

■ Our friends at Cornerstone convey an update too explanation of the Social Security Number removal first (SSNRI), business office of 2015's "“Turns out SHOP enrollment is extremely cumbersome, in that location are less conception options compared to the off telephone commutation market, too that taxation credit, good it hasn't been worthwhile for nigh employers"


Well, the folks at Medical Mutual merely emailed us to tell "adios,muchachos:"

"Beginning Jan 1, 2018, Medical Mutual volition no longer offering plans through the Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) marketplace. Coverage volition terminate for affected groups on their renewal date."

But hey, if you lot like your grouping wellness plan...

■ From the "You Don't See This Every Day" Department:

"Zurich American Life Insurance Company is offering to purchase dorsum around of its annuity contracts ...  it is making the offering partly because it believes around annuity holders' needs may convey changed over time, too partly because it wants to popular off this segment of the variable annuity business"

To sweeten the deal, they're offering an "enhancement amount."


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