
InsuranceBaru.blogspot.com Breaking News from Our Neighbors to the North

CanuckCare© continues to auger in:

"“Free” Canadian healthcare is non free, according to a study released Tuesday ... a “typical Canadian job solid unit of measurement of 4 volition pay $12,057 for wellness assist inwards 2017—an growth of virtually lxx per centum over the end xx years.”

So how's that Single Payer organisation working out?

Still, that $12 large may endure a grapple since it buys non bad care, right?

Turns out, non together with thus much:

"[T]here is nonetheless a long waiting listing for a host of operations, both routine together with urgent."

And over 60,000 Canadians sought actual assist exterior the the world end year.

But "free" (or, you lot know, not).

[Hat Tip: FoIB Holly R]

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